A Portal of Hope


Rumi, adapted by the composer

"A Portal of Hope" is a perfect anthem for the progressive worship community. It was commissioned by the Westminster Presbyterian Church (Portland, OR) to be sung in 2014 at the worship service commemorating the 100th anniversary of the completion of the church edifice. This diverse congregation comes from "a wide range of perspectives, celebrating our unique gifts and finding unity in faith. Our doors are open to all. As a progressive community of believers, we welcome people of every age, race, sexual orientation, and gender identity to worship with us." ( WPC web site)

This setting of texts adapted from Sufi poet, Rumi, reflects how spiritual loneliness may be met with the exuberant embrace of acceptance— and of "beginning again" on the path of spiritual enlightenment.


Item Voicing/Instrumentation Duration Price Audio View Score Quantity
Licensed PDF
SATB, organ 5:30 $2.00 https://joanszymko.com/sites/joanszymko.com/files/audio_samples/JS-063_Portal%20revised.mp3

Audio Credits: 

midi realization


Joan Szymko

A Portal of Hope

attributed to Rumi (1207-1273)

There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled.
There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled.
You feel it, don't you? 

Why do you stay in prison when the door is open wide? 

Come, come, whoever you are:
Wanderer, wonderer, worshipper, infidel, come!
Come, even if you've broken your vow a thousand times—
Come. Come again. 

Open your hands, if you want to be held.
Open your heart, light the fire within.
Open your soul if you want to be filled.
Ours is a portal of hope,
Come as you are. 


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