Lo Lefached

do not be afraid


Rebbe Nachman of Breslov

With dramatic rhythmic intensity, Szymko’s setting of the words of 18th century Chassidic Rebbe, Nachman of Breslov conveys the tension and resolve of his teaching. Set in the original Hebrew, with hand percussion (2).


Item Voicing/Instrumentation Duration Price Audio View Score Quantity
JS-099D SATB , percussion (2) 3:15 $2.00 https://joanszymko.com/sites/joanszymko.com/files/audio_samples/JS-099.Lo%20Lefached._Cypress%20Ranch%20HS%20Chamber%20Choirmp3.mp3
JS-107D SSAA, percussion (2) 3:15 $2.00 https://joanszymko.com/sites/joanszymko.com/files/audio_samples/Lo%20Lefached%20SSAA.mp3

Audio Credits: 

Cypress Ranch High School Chamber Choir, Cynthia Douglas, Director

Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (1772-1810)

כל העולם כולו גשר צר מאוד והעיקר לא לפחד כלל

Kol ha'olam kulo
Gesher tsar, me’od Veha'ikar lo lefached klal.


The whole world is a very narrow bridge
and the main thing is not to be afraid at all.